Edoné spaces: it's not holiday yet, but meanwhile we take you to the garden

We presented the project last year, now it is finally time to see how Nature dressed our ideas.

Publication date: 6 Aug 2024
Topic: Corporate

After sustained rhythms, many new products, new realisations and markets opening up, with the desire for summer making itself increasingly felt, this seems the right time to loosen up a bit and dedicate a little space to relaxation. 

So, we take you on a virtual walk through the various spaces we have presented to you over the past months, including an outdoor walk-through to see how that project to renovate the outdoor spaces of our production facility took shape.

The reason why we are talking about it remains the same as the one that has motivated all renovation and redevelopment activities from the very beginning, of which outdoor spaces are also a part: we spend many hours in the workplace and being comfortable in it is fundamental to our quality of life.

This is why, in line with our brand values, we have made choices that give concrete form – even in our production facilities – to those values of the pursuit of beauty, attention to nature and the harmony of space, that our creations are meant to express.

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