2024: projects, appointments, opportunities

We start the year with Edoné CEO Luigi Fabrici, who takes us on a behind-the-scenes look at what awaits us in this 2024.

Publication date: 16 Jan 2024
Topic: Corporate

Market goals and projects

We start this 2024 with an optimistic approach. After the numbers our sector had in the two-year post-pandemic period, there was a fear of a setback which, thanks to those who work with us, we have not experienced. Italy is good, which remains central for us, and Europe in general: here we count on stabilising and implementing the results achieved, with particular focus on France and Northern Europe. Really interesting opportunities are also looming from overseas, both in the United States as well as in Central and South America. Another challenge that we count on taking up in this year is the expansion and consolidation of market penetration in the Middle East.

Then, we have projects more closely related to the social responsibility of our company: greater environmental responsibility, quality of life in the workplace, transparency in terms of products, manufacturing systems and relations with the various stakeholders, to name a few.

Live appointments and meeting opportunities

No doubt we begin by talking about the two main appointments that will see us engaged in 2024.

We will be present from 16 to 21 April in Milan, Rho Fiera, in the Salone Internazionale del Bagno spaces. The biennial appointment of the Salone Internazionale del Mobile exhibition, which has always been an essential date for us, will be a pleasant and stimulating opportunity to meet live the many who already collaborate, in various roles and from various countries, with the Edoné world and to welcome those who, at this crossroads that moves design around the world, will discover us for the first time. We will then reveal the special focus we will present in this 2024.
Second trade fair event from 23 to 27 September, in Bologna, for Cersaie. We will reveal below the special focus that we will present in this 2024.

Lastly, in a completely different way, but no less important for us, we are going to strengthen the opportunities for meetings in the company, in the new spaces we created during the restyling of the headquarters. The direct relationship with those who embrace our brand, remains one of the levers that we consider most strategic and to which we gladly dedicate a major effort.

I consider these appointments an invaluable resource. In these moments one gives a face to voices that one would otherwise only hear on the phone, one discovers - often with amazement - that here the most delicate steps of some processes are still done by hand, and verifies in person that here the concept of craftsmanship is not an empty marketing lever, but is the concrete work of people who exist and whom we choose to preserve beyond the logic of automation. It is a moment of confrontation and exchange that goes beyond the logic of negotiation and leads to a more authentic knowledge of the parties.

Commitment to an increasingly sustainable approach

"At Christmas we are all better, even the packaging". We announced last year the introduction of a cardboard machine to create our packaging just in time and made to measure, to minimise waste and eliminate polystyrene altogether. The next step on this front is to also totally eliminate nylon and replace it with biodegradable solutions.

Alongside this, in the very first months of this year we will finally also be FSC certified, convinced of the importance of being part of a supply chain that does not prosper at the expense of forests and animals, plants and people living in them.
In all probability, a path will also follow to achieve ESG certification, relating to Environmental, Social and Governance impact performance. In essence, with internationally recognised standards, we will measure and act on the multiple impacts that our business has, not only on the planet, but also on people and society.
It would be a logical and good extension of a whole series of actions that, for example, we have already implemented in our headquarters to make the workplace as comfortable and human-friendly as possible: we have renovated and reorganised all the office, meeting and showroom areas (but you already know that), we have enlarged the space and increased the privacy of the dressing room areas, we are going to create more comfortable canteen and restaurant areas with higher quality offerings, we are going to aim to eliminate as much single-use plastic as possible, and we also have improvements in mind for the machinery compartment, designed not only for production, but also for the benefit of those who have to work there.

Collections, materials, furnishing solutions

Having a style that has always been designed to be up-to-date, but with a basic elegance that never shrieks, means the conscious choice of not necessarily having to release new collections with the rhythms of hit-and-run consumption.

In 2024, we will focus more on the development of new complements and accessories, rather than finishes and colour or material details. We will respond efficiently to the fastest trends, we will be up-to-date, but without fuelling the escalation of premature obsolescence that is no longer sustainable either in the eyes of the consumer or in terms of environmental impact. 

In sum, it will be a 2024 in which we will be engaged on various levels, with clear objectives, always faithful to our identity and style. Now, after this overview, which I hope you enjoyed, it only remains for me to wish everyone a successful Year. Ever, it translates into the conscious choice of not necessarily having to churn out new collections in a hit-and-miss rhythm.

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